Visual Cues to Better Chipping

Chipping is a difficult skill if you do not have a solid foundation. Though techniques vary from player to player, there are some fundamental similarities that all players should use. Over the years, I have worked tirelessly on my short game and it was not until two days ago that I realized I subconsciously had a visual cue that is critical to my chipping success. I experimented with it and drew the conclusion that club positioning is the key to better chipping.After examining my natural setup for some time, it became apparent that I subconsciously use built-in guide-markers. Let me explain:

When chipping, I have 3 different setup positions depending on how high and far I want to chip my ball. The three positions are used for short-sided chips (10 Yards), medium chips (20 yards), and long chips (40 yards) around the green. I use the same swing and roughly the same strength for each shot. Consistency is very important to a successful short game.

These distances are rated for my sand wedge, but you can experiment to determine your distances with your various wedges.

Fig 1. High short chips. The shaft of my club follows up my left (lead) leg.

Fig 1. is used for short-sided chips or shots over a hazard at a distance of about 10 yards. As you can see, my ball lines up with my front foot. My weight is distributed 60/40 (with the 60 being on my lead foot). The shaft of my club follows up my leg and the butt of my club points into my midsection. This position produces the highest ball flight (usually over my head) of the 3 positions.

When swinging my club, I use very little lower body. I do use my wrists slightly, but I try to swing the club with just my shoulders. When chipping, it is very important that I keep my head still and focused on where the club makes contact with the ball. I actually count to “1” after contact before lifting my head to watch the results of my swing.

Fig 2. Medium chips. The shaft of my club splits my legs.

Fig 2. is used for shots of around 20 yards. It can be used over short, high chips. For this shot, the shaft of my club splits my legs. My weight distribution is the same for every shot; my wrists try to be more involved, but I focus on keeping them still. Additionally, my head must remain still with my eyes focused on the contact point (again I count to “1” before watching my ball’s flight).

I use this position for longer shots, but I usually club down to my gap wedge (52º) or pitching wedge (48º). A point of note, the higher the loft the harder you need to swing for the same results. Again, I recommend you experiment with each wedge because every player has a unique flair to their swing they need to figure out on their own.

For this shot, the ball flight is somewhere between my waist and shoulders. I expect the ball to roll out at least 5 to 8 yards after it lands and check slightly. I like this shot if the green is elevated no higher than my waist height. I make sure the ball lands on the green because if it hits short it will not release as much as expected.

Another important aspect of this shot, and I suppose the others, is that I take very little divot. I try to skim the grass and let the face of the wedges do their job. My best contact occurs when the leading edge of the club meets the bottom of the ball and ground at the same time. I can hear the crisp contact when I hit the shot perfectly. I really like that sound.

Fig 3. Low running chips. The shaft of my club follows up my right (trail) leg.

Fig 3. is designed for low running shots that require a bit of check on landing. The ball is lined up on my right (trail) foot and the shaft runs up my legs. I do not hit the ball very far in the air and the ball flight stays below my waist. I use this shot often if the there is a clear path to the hole.

It is very important on this shot to hit the ball first and have your hands lead the shot through contact. As you can see from the picture, at set-up my hands are already ahead of the ball. I need to maintain this for a consistent shot.

I like this visual cue the most because it sets up well with the way I like to chip. I still have my weight distributed evenly and I keep my wrists locked through contact. There are similarities among the set-up for all these chips, yet you should practice your own style to ensure you get the most out of your game.

Chipping is a difficult skill to master. Recently, I discovered the above visual cues that provide a solid foundation moving forward. By using the cues, I can develop a more consistent chipping stroke. I am surprised I did not notice this easy, repeatable cue earlier. Maybe I had, but never really thought about it. Regardless, I know it now and I am excited to implement it during my next training session.

Do you use similar visual cues? If so, please share!

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

9 thoughts on “Visual Cues to Better Chipping

  1. Pingback: Aiming, Chipping and Ball Place: Are They Related? | Yo Soy Richard Alejandro

  2. Pingback: Aiming, Chipping and Ball Position: Are They Connected? | The Grateful Golfer

  3. Pingback: Going Back to the Chipping Drawing Board | The Grateful Golfer

  4. Pingback: What is the Right Way to Chip a Golf Ball? | The Grateful Golfer

  5. Similar, but not exactly like yours. I tend to be a bit more open and never put the ball near the front of my stance for any chip. And I don’t count, just make sure my head stays down until after striking the ball.


    • Kevin

      I like that you have your own style or method of chipping. I think it is important that every player develop their own chipping skills. We all have unique swings, so we should have some variances when executing each shot. Thanks to weighing in.



  6. Pingback: Infographic – Visual Chipping Cues | The Grateful Golfer

  7. Jim, in figure 1 you are closed. Do you normally chip from a closed stance because you are slightly open in figures 2 and 3 which is more traditional. I think Stan Utley has proposed chipping from a slightly closed stance and I tried that once but could never make it work.




    • Brian, I do not normally chip with my toes closed. However, in the picture, the angle of the camera and me trying to put 60% of my weight on my lead foot, I think I might have distorted the picture a bit. I try to have my feet in the traditional stance for all my chipping shots.


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