What You See Is What You Get In Putting

Putting is a challenging skill where even the slightest error results in a higher golf score. If we could lower 3 to 5 strokes a round by setting up properly in the greens, it would seem like we won the lottery. I have discussed many different ways to set up your putting stroke, using lines to help align our putter face and the importance of following through twice as far as taking the club head back during your stroke. All of these tips are great and work when we implement them. One thing I have not talked about is how to test if what we are seeing when aligning our putter head is in fact what we think we are seeing. Seems like a basic step during practice, however I know I have relied on results to prove my point. I have never actually tested whether my putter face is actually square to my aim point. Well, that is about to change!

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Using Lines To Aim While Putting

Pursuant to yesterdays article, I placed lines on my golf balls and practiced in my basement to evaluate if this technique matches the hype. I drew three sets of lines and tried each with 10 putts to a distance of six feet. I chose this distance because it facilitated a controlled putting stroke with the intent of hitting the ball square. I have several findings I thing worth mentioning because of positive and negative results.

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Thoughts on the Eye Line Putting Aide

For Christmas I asked for two golf training aids. The first one I want to talk about is the Eye Line putting aide. I waited until now before writing about this training aide because I wanted to use it a few times before making any comments.  It is designed to align all your body parts and reinforce a straight putting stroke. So, in my stocking it went. Continue reading