Happy New Year – 2023


With 2022 behind us, it is time to look forward with hope and anticipation for 2023. The first day of every new year starts the slate clean. This year I hope to hit the links more and play some exciting golf with my new hickory sticks. Regardless, 2023 is going to be awesome.

I will create the year I want and I will be grateful for all the blessings in my life.

I hope you and your special loved ones have a healthy and joyous new year in 2023!

Happy New Year!

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year – 2023

  1. Well, I ended the year right. On the course playing in a fog with light rain coming down the entire round. Shot 5 over which surprised me as it was not an easy day out there and I seldom do well when having to wear my rain gloves. But one double, just 4 bogies and a birdie with the rest pars is a pretty good showing for me in those conditions. Much better than I had a right to expect I think.
    Hope your new year brings lots of fun, lots of golf, and great health.

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