Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

I do not know about you, but I Iove chicken wings. They are delicious and best served at the 19th hole. They are not, however, welcome on the golf course. The dreaded chicken wing is a challenge for many amateurs because of issue of flexibility and rotation of our trail shoulder. This swing fault is best identified as your lead elbow bent at 90° during the follow through. I sometimes get a case of the chicken wing, but not as often as in the past. Fortunately, I found a fix that will help banish the dreaded chicken wing back to the clubhouse.

“If you have a “chicken wing” golf swing, then as you swing through impact your lead arm elbow bends towards the sky. This causes you to pull the golf club upwards from the ground and makes striking the golf ball solidly and consistently very difficult. You will tend to strike the top of the golf ball, producing a low and not very powerful shot. This video will help you to understand why your lead arm elbow buckles into a “chicken wing” and gives you a great drill to work on to improve your body and arm movement.” (Smash Factor)

Fixing the dreaded chicken wing is important to produce your best golf game. In my case, this swing fault can creep into our game if we are not stay vigilant. When it does, the above drill will quickly realign your swing to its normal stasis. Keeping the chicken wing relegated to the clubhouse will do wonders for your score and after round treat.

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

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