Ready, Set, Wait – Wait – Wait

The northern Canada golf season was off to a fantastic start! The sun was hot, the courses open and the excitement of playing over the top. Then suddenly, the weather turned cold…..again! For me to say it is cold means it has really turned cold. Additionally, it is wet and very windy. This combination only leads me to believe that Mother Nature has a very sick sense of humor!

Not to dwell on the roller coaster ride of emotions caused by the unpredictable weather, I choose to focus on preparing for what comes next for my game. There are many things to work on, but one thing I can consistently do to ensure future success on the course is to remain active.

For me, this means exercising, stretching, and strength training. This activity is core to my golf game. As I carried my clubs for my first three rounds, I realized that I am not is a good of physical shape as I hoped, but I was still able to carry my clubs without any real challenges. Where I noticed a little more exertion than normal is climbing up hills. Puffing at the top is expected, but my recovery time was a bit longer than normal.

I am not worried about being a bit out of shape because the many rounds of golf in my future will only make things better. This year, however, I plan to continue to exercise in addition to playing golf. There is no logical reason why I should slow down my training regime (as I have in the past) and this year it is time to stay focused on conditioning all year-long.

It is challenging sometimes to carve out the time to train in addition to all my other activities, but I guess that means prioritizing my time a bit better! I am okay with this and look forward to being healthier and shooting lower golf scores! How about you, do you play golf and train at the same time? Do you reduce your training time the more you play golf?

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

7 thoughts on “Ready, Set, Wait – Wait – Wait

  1. Jim,
    The same thing happened over here with the weather, but we’re back on the warm trend now! Looking forward to playing this weekend and yes, I personally struggle to keep up with my training when I play more golf. Time is always tough to find!

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  2. Playing in 50 km/h wind gusts tomorrow. The holes play longer during early spring but using the opportunity for conservative play and honing the short game. Eventually the courses will dry up and can use short irons for approach shots.
    Good luck in your workouts. You should be fully energized come high season but don’t pass up on a good golf day haha.

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  3. Jim, a few seasons ago, I played and trained at the same time and definitely enjoyed the benefits of added stamina. Then somehow I got away from it. Recently I’ve observed I have a limit to my physical exertion while practicing and / or playing and I’d like to increase that. My annual trip to Myrtle Beach demands that and last year I ran out of gas after day four on the six-day trip.

    After reading your post, I’ve decided to work my core 10-15 minutes every day until I depart for MB. I think the small time daily time commitment is the key because it’s got to be manageable in your mind before you’ll agree to it.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


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    • Brian

      That is very kind of you. I agree, small chinks of manageable time work well for most people. You can do anything, you just have to decide what that is. And it sounds like you have a plan. Watch out MB – the last to days you are going to shine.


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      • Jim, after my lesson two weeks ago, I went out again in the afternoon for more practice and couldn’t do anything because I was gassed. After yesterday’s lesson I took a nap in the afternoon 🙂 Not trying to do a Gary Player here but I’d like the energy to play and practice on demand. We’ll see what a month of daily workouts brings.


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