Motivated to Write About Golf

Being Grateful

I am a Grateful Golfer!

This will be my 675 article since starting The Grateful Golfer in May of 2012. I have at least doubled my viewership every year. I never thought I would have 5 followers, let alone almost 1600. Things have evolved over the years and I can truly say that I feel that I am a better writer now, than 3 years ago. So why am I telling you this?

  • It is not to brag!
  • It is not to boost my ego!
  • It is not to plea for more regular followers!
  • Nor is it to suggest that for some reason I am an expert about anything golf!

I bring this up to say THANK YOU! Thank you to all the people who took the time to comment, like, dislike, correct, advise or just show support! There are many things we cannot control in the world, but how we treat and interact with people is something we definitely can control. I honestly can say that the people I have had the honour to meet via The Grateful Golfer have been awesome.

Through this entire journey, which has only just began, I have interacted with some awesome golfing fanatics who share my passion for this crazy, frustrating, challenging, and awesome game. If I started to list those who actively comment on my musings, I am sure I would miss someone and that would just not be fair. You know who you are because we talk – sometimes often, sometimes not – but we talk.

There is one person who I need to mention. He my closest friend and has been there through all the tough and good times. We share a passion for golf and he knows how to bring out the best in my game! Thanks, Kirk! By the way, how is the duck?

Over the past few years, I believe The Grateful Golfer blog has helped me overcome many challenges in my life. It has provided and outlet express my feelings and views about the world through a sport that has provided many awesome memories. If you are reading this article, then you are part of those memories and for that I am grateful!

So, as the Christmas season unfolds and the New Year approaches, I am motivated to write about golf. I am not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I am sure it will include many awesome people, fantastic locations, and an opportunity to enrich my life and those around me!

Thank you to everyone for your support and kindness.

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

6 thoughts on “Motivated to Write About Golf

  1. Jim,

    It’s been great following along, and I always enjoy our discussions. Keep up the great work, and thanks for bringing your passion for the game to life through your blog for all of us to enjoy. Happy holidays!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Jim
    A great accomplishment but as an avid follower and admirer of your work I’m not surprised to see that continued growth. Your posts are well written and very engaging. Since I started my own golf blog you’ve been supportive, encouraging and consistent in your passion about the game. I think that is what I like the most about your writing is the passion you bring to it and the game overall. So as you start your next 675 posts I look forward to engaging, learning and drawing from your gratefulness for this great game!

    Cheers, Mike

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Keep up the great work, Jim! It requires a great amount of time and commitment to continue posting new insights and sharing thoughts on such a consistent basis as you have. We all appreciate your dedication to this blog and to this game of golf!

    Liked by 1 person

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