Focusing on the End Goal in Golf

I am 14 days into my stem cell transplant with about 10 days to go. Fortunately, all is going well and I expect this to be the steady state until completion. As I sit in my hospital bed, I find myself making many mini-goals that helps me stay the course of the end goal – healthy and heading home! I find that these mini-goals are as much a physical process as mental; yet hey are all connected. 

If you read many golf blogs, many of us talk about goals and milestones that keep us focused. Generally, these finish lines are in larger chunks of time that allow for minor deviations to the plan. I think we do this because or experience demonstrates that too much detail is a recipe for disaster. However, if there is on thing I learned over the past two weeks, mini-goals that offer instant gratification are just as important as focus on the end goals.

Practicing Putting in the Hospital.

For example, yesterday I putted for 5 minutes. Yes, I brought a putting mat into the hospital. I figured with the end goal of healthy and going home, it is never to early to start practicing. The challenge of putting for 5 minutes is the amount of energy it takes; a resource is short supply and high demand right now.

So, I broke out the 5 minutes into smaller segments of time of 30 seconds. Within each 30 seconds, I wanted to make 3 putts in a row. With the automatic return, I could make a putt and have it returned in 5 seconds. So, all I had to do was make half my putts. As it turned out, from 8 feet away I was making about 80% of my putts, so my mini-goals were achieved.

An interesting thing happened, as I focused on the mini-goals, time flew by. Before I knew it the 5 minutes was up and I was heading back to bed. I have used this technique before while training athletes in basketball and volleyball, but never really gave it much thought for golf. So, when I am back, I think making up mini-goals during practice time will be helpful to achieve my end goal for the practice session!

What do you think? Do you use mini-goals to help focus your practice time?

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

12 thoughts on “Focusing on the End Goal in Golf

  1. Mini-goals are a great way to motivate you and keep you going. For me, a mini-goal I like to setup for myself is making 10 three foot putts in a row before I begin every round. Not the most challenging thing in the world but it gives me the confidence to make them during my round. Thanks for sharing an update on your recovery with us!


  2. Sure. I can see that as being helpful. It sure beats trying to fix everything all at once. That never works. BTW..that’s a good lookin smile your sportin there. Looks like you’re enjoying yourself at least a little. I’m happy for you. That can be hard to do in the hospital.


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