“How To” – By Tiger Woods

Being able to understand how to hit fantastic golf shots like professionals is a serious golfer’s dream. We watch and try to learn, but there is always something that is overlooked that makes the world of difference to the shot. After watching The Masters, I thought about how Tiger Woods was able to maneuver the ball around the green to leave himself a makeable putt. The number of times he practiced this shot would be astounding. I also thought, I sure would love to know how he makes these amazing chips. Well, look no further!

As I scoured the internet looking for tips and clues on how to improve my game. I found one with Tiger Woods and Freddie Couples. To my surprise, Tiger was breaking down how to hit a 50 yard chip and where he might use it.

Of course, Tiger’s technique was honed over years of practice. He understands exactly what the ball is going to do after contact and more importantly what he wants it to do. He breaks down what his club face is going to do, where to aim and why. Talk about an exceptional instructional video.

There is so much information in the video I had to watch it multiple times. The be biggest take away (I decided to chose one and it was hard) was the club face. He plays his club face open for draws and closed for cuts. That is opposite to what most golfers would surmise and is something I will work on this summer. Well, I am going back to look at the video again to see what I missed!

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

2 thoughts on ““How To” – By Tiger Woods

  1. The bigger the draw, the more the face is held open to target. It’s still closed to path though.

    A basic rule of thumb would be if the path is 10 degrees right of target the face should be 5 degrees right of target.

    And what we should get from that is a ball that starts off 5 or 6 maybe even 7 degrees right of target that curves back towards the target.

    And it’s backwards to fade or slice the ball.

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