Stretching Your Success Mindset in Golf

I am always amazed by the mental aspects of golf. There are many different approaches to improving our success mindset in golf, however all these choices just complicate the issue for me. I constantly try to make positive steps towards my ultimate golf goal and sometimes I forget the simple things that make all the difference between moving forward or stagnating.

Not seeing the forest for the trees is debilitating for a golfer. We have so many thoughts racing through our minds when playing and practicing, that I a surprised any positive golf thoughts can make it through the white noise! I have talked about creating a winning mindset before and as I grow as a player, I realize it is important to simplify my mental game to really be successful. 

I stumbled across this video and I thought it was something that all novice golfers should watch. Additionally, it provides a positive reminder for experienced players still working to shoot their lowest golf scores ever.

This is a 6 minute video offers valuable insight on the mental aspects of peak performance both on and off the golf course. Topics include how to improve your practice, find my joy out of fitness, and why it’s important for everyone to have a coach that supports their desire for improvement in golf, mindset, fitness, business and life.

What struck me about this video is the simplicity of the message. It is straight forward and works for my golf game. I have pushed the edges of my game for years with fairly good success. However, to get the next level, I might have to consider taking lessons or at least seeking advice on some of the more complex aspects of my game. It is a matter of choice.

Earlier, I discussed receiving advice or lessons from a professional instead of your friends. I recommended a professional because of their proven record of improving amateurs games. Making this step does allow novice players to focus their valuable efforts in the right direction and to stretch their success mindset.

I am a grateful golfer! See you on the links!

6 thoughts on “Stretching Your Success Mindset in Golf

  1. Jim, great call on the professional instruction and even then you can get lost in the myriad of conflicting advice and techniques from the pros. Attempting to filter and distill down to the simplest things is best.

    Good luck in your quest to improve!


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